Wednesday, November 29, 2006

"Random Thoughts" in New Zealand

New things I've noticed as a traveler in this foreign land:
-Driving on the right side of the car and the left hand side of the road takes some getting used to. But you do get used to it. But the turnabouts instead of stop lights are still tricky.
- This extends to walking on the sidewalk or passing someone on the steps (you generally walk on the left).
-People stop at the crosswalks when the light is red...and wait there until the signal to cross the street. There is a clear signal at each crosswalks and drivers respect the pedestrian rule (and vice-versa).
-New Zealand currency is waterproof!! (Believe me, it makes sense).
-Most buildings have motion sensor lighting. If no one is in the room, the light is off. When you walk into a room, the light turns on. (WOW, what a concept to save electricity, money and waste!) Likewise with paper towels. Most places have air dryers. I know, I know, I hate those things too. But these sonofaguns BLOW and your done.
-One more bathroom thing. The toilets all have two flush buttons, half flush and full flush (bear with me here): One is for #1 and two is for #2
-Speaking of waste: recycling bins are everywhere! It is just a part of life. I guess when you are a small, self-contained island country, there are not as many places to keep dumping garbage into landfills. (and it makes sense as well).
-"Tilley Brand" hats are worth the money.
-The metric system makes SO MUCH SENSE. Imagine an entire system (weights, distance, measures, temperature) all based on 10's. It's actually very easy.
-Many of the towns (large and small) have a roof built over the entire length of the sidewalk. HOW COOL! People can still stroll around town even in the drizzle.
-Nutella "hazelnut chocolate spread" is the universal backpackers staple food.
-There are more people from Germany traveling here than from any other nation.
-Most Americans that I have met are from Oregon, Washington or 'Minnesota'?
-Light switches are down for 'ON' and up for 'OFF'. Hmmm...
-Many sinks have the two spigot system with hot on the right and cold on the left. I don't dig the two spigot can't run 'warm' water.
-Travelers tend to be veracious readers, well versed, and deep thinkers.
-Irish Pubs are ubiquitous.
-Throughout New Zealand, their national rugby team "The All Blacks" RULE!! It's fanatical. They make football fans look like...?
--Funny story. Three guys were talking at a pub about American Football. "American football has three teams...the offense, the defense, and the speciality team..and they just play once then trot off the field after dancing. The other two teams only play half the game!" It was funny to hear and watch. You see, in rugby, they play the ENTIRE game, and with NO protective gear! (and no dancing. haha)

I'll keep updating this post as new 'random thoughts' present themselves.

1 comment:

rudy said...

I have a Tilley (made in Canada) hat too! I love my hemp made hat. It is truly wonderful. It's a wee expensive but they guarantee it for life.

BTW, Tracey S told me about your around the world trek, so here I am reading your blog.

If you get a chance, stop by Singapore and say hello to my home country for me, and eat lots there.