Monday, January 29, 2007

Farewell Frodo, Bye Bye Bilbo

Wow, I can't believe how quickly the 95 days in New Zealand has gone by. This is an amazing country indeed! The varied geography, spirited friendly people and myriad of outdoor activities are (I don't even know what word to use here.)

I am sitting in Auckland waiting for my ride to the airport to catch my 4:30 flight to Melbourne, Australia (they refer to it as OZ. Which is much easier to type).
I will spend a few days with friends that I met while hiking the Inca Trail in Peru (small world, eh?). Other than knowing where I will lay my head tonight; I have no plans, reservations or itinerary for 3 months in Australia. Although I had the same situation for NZ, and wouldn't have planned it any differently if I had planned it. I will read my guide book and figure a direction. I think I may go to the more remote West Coast first, or perhaps South to the Island of Tasmania. It is the height of summer now and HOT up north. So I can see the south and west first...?

I hope to sit down and finish some of the blog posts that I started regarding NZ adventures and memories (there are sooooo many). I did spend a few hours last week uploading a slew of new photos to the Flickr site though (check 'em out if you get a chance)

OK, gotta go for now, but I'll keep ya posted!


rooster said...

I saw the pics on flicker. Who loves you baby?

rooster said...

R U Crazy? When did you learn to climb up the ice? Great avalanche too. U B Trippin!!!!