Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Glacialicious Aoraki

just got access to a computer and thought I'd post another 'quickie' while i had the chance.

at his very moment, i am in mt cook natl park and it is MAGNIFICENT! the last two days were spent climbing the most scenic hike to the famous Mueller hut, high in a snowfield surrounded by glaciated peaks. for those two days, the weather was the clearest that this area has had in months, with unobstructed views throughout the park (ahh...my weather luck continues). it is very rare to see all of these peaks and especially mt cook because of the altitude, clouds, weather, etc. Mt Cook (or Aoraki is it's native Maori name, meaning "Cloud Pearcer") is the highest point in all of australasia, and 22 of the 27 highest peaks in NZ are in this park. the photos will be schweeeeeet, but it will be a few days before i can post any.

i am sitting in a small lodge about one mile from mt cook's little 'village' (which is a dead-end road consisting of a hotel, a few chalets, a cafe and a NZ park office). the lodge is owned/run by the NZ alpine club and right now there is NO ONE here. it is sooooo laid back, and reminds me of the movie 'the shining'. seriously!
the weather changed today big-time! it had been drizzling, then turned to rain, then buckets of rain, and now snow! the sound of it on the roof of this cavernous room is the only thing breaking the perfect silence. the DOC forcasts quite a bit of snow tonight (bizarre) then clearing tomorrow morning, so the entire park should be dusted in white...perfect for another day hike or two in this glorious valley amongst the mountain peaks.
ok. gotta go for now. heading outside to chop some wood to stoke the pot-bellied wood burning stove, 'cause there is no heat here. I'll be careful with that ax...ala "Heeeeeeere's Johnny!" haha

ps...someone left 5 cans of "Tasman Bitter" beer on the fridge shelf marked 'free'. yaahoo, an early xmas present.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Writers block!

I have writers block. Not that I don't know what to write, or don't have plenty to write about...but I keep getting "blocked" from the computer cafes by the constant interruption of actually DOING the things I plan on writing about.
So bear with me. However, I have posted new photos to the flickr site. All in reverse-chronological order.
Upcoming posts:
-The Milford Track (The finest tramp in all the world)
-Stewart Island (Muddy-mud-muckymud)
-Various quotes and poems
-Showering with two Isreali girls
-Fried eggs and red wine
-Everyone has a double (you wouldn't believe how many people you meet that remind you of someone you know)!
-The southeast coast into the Palatial retreat in Christchurch.

My travel partner left New Zealand a few days ago for Australia. So, I am once again on the solo trail. Have spent the last few days engaging in some much needed, major chillin' in Christchurch and recharging my inner-batteries. I plan to hit the road again tomorrow for Banks Peninsula (volcano), then south again toward Mt Cook, Wanaka, Rees Dart Trail, etc...not sure where I'll end up for Xmas and New Years.

Thanks for the emails and comments!! It is great to check my mailbox and receive emails from y'all. It makes 9200 miles disappear with a "click".